Spatial Drawings

Shimmer and Shine

In this installation, Shimmer and Shine (Schimmer und Glanz), we enter a cross-like spatial structure whose two mirrored walls facing each other seem to suspend the external boundaries. By contrast, the chains…


      Existenz Felix Nussbaum The centre of Existenz, the “brain” of the space, is the distorted cube, red light streaming from its window. From its interior, men’s voices surge towards us ; we…

Reflex Love

Reflex and love are two terms that are, in fact, contradictory. A reflex is a process that occurs so quickly and automatically, that we are hardly aware of its occurrence, since our…

Change and Silence

Following his studies, which included musical composition with Arnold Schoenberg, Cage embraced the idea of determining music through random processes, inspired by his research into eastern philosophies and religions. Added to this…

Brain Box – Ideology

Brain Box – Ideologie 2013      4 × 3,50 × 3,50 m     Rubberbands, cord, foil, gouache Represented by Bo Bjerggaard gallery at art berlin contemporary, Berlin I tried to…


MARTa Museum / Slavoj Žižek, Violence: Six Sideways Reflections, Profile, 2008 / The Shining, Stanley Kubrick, 1980

… nervous

Kunstraum im Deutschen Bundestag / Nietzsche / Götzendämmerung / Adler / Über den nervösen Charakter


The spatial drawing “Pathos” connects the two actual exhibition rooms and transcends them. In the last room, which is darkened, the light inside the wall drawing emanates from the sketchy outlines of…

Gudrun and Christiane

Die Bleierne Zeit, ein Film von Margarethe von Trotta,1981 / Gudrun Ensslin / Christiane Ensslin (hrsg von), Zieh den Trennungstrich jeden Tag, Konkret Literatur Verlag, 2005 / Franz Kafka, Ein Hungerkünstler, 1921 / Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus, 1921 / Rotarmisten / Roten Armee Fraktion (RAF)